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Deploying & Hosting

There are two chairs...

Automatic rebuild and deploy options:

This method works best for scenario when you want to automatically deploy changes you made without building static web pages on your machine.


  • No need to execute build command on your machine
  • You can edit files with online IDE on your Git hosting
  • Depending on your configuration you might get autodeploy once your website's repo gets updated
  • You can add APIs and server scripts to use on your server
  • Custom "Not found" page


  • You need to use specific hosting with running NodeJS and deploy pipelines
  • You need to understand how your deploy pipelines or CI/CD processes should be configured and work
  • This method requires some resources on your server to build pages dynamically.

Make sure you DON'T have output: "export" in your next.config.mjs

Setup deploy

  • Host your app on GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket or any other Git host.
  • Use Vercel or Netlify to automatically watch your repo for changes and deploy new versions
  • (Alternatively) Use any NodeJS hosting and either setup CI/CD that will watch your repo changes or deploy it manually.
  • Great success!

Manual build and deploy:


  • No specific hosting requirements. You can go with anything that can serve static HTML files.
  • No costly dynamic renders of your content


  • You need to run build command yourself
  • You cannot add APIs or server scripts
  • No custom "Not found" page unless your hosting allows you to use custom HTML-page for this.

Make sure you DO have output: "export" in your next.config.mjs

How to generate static pages

  • Edit your content
  • Run npm run build or yarn run build to generate updated static pages
  • Upload static files from /out folder to your static website hosting, like GitHub Pages, and etc. No need in running NodeJS on your host.

Contribute to this project

Please, refer to Next.js deployment documentation for more details.